Acne Solutions

A great deal of money is spent by people trying to find acne solutions that work. Unfortunately, many never find the right acne solution, and their acne either clears up on it’s own, or they learn to live with it. You can, however, find an acne solution that will work for you, without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars looking for the cure, by following these simple steps.

1. Make sure that you are washing your face two or three times each day, with clean water and a pure soap, such as Ivory.

2. Try applying essential oils directly to the acne. Oils to try are Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil. If you have sensitive skin, you may need to dilute the oil with Grapeseed oil to avoid irritation. Apply the oil before going to bed, then wash it away, using pure soap and clean water, in the morning. Give it about a month to see if it is working. This is one of the least expensive acne solutions that has proven to be effective for many people.

3. If the essential oil doesn’t work for you, try a good over the counter product, such as ProActiv. It is expensive, but you will spend less money using a product that has been proven to work, than you will buying creams and acne solutions that do not work. Bypass the junk, and go with what has a better chance of working.

4. If ProActiv doesn’t work for you, visit an allergist to see if you have any food allergies. Often food allergies will cause acne, and the best acne solution in this case is to eliminate those foods from your diet completely. If a food allergy is causing the acne, not other acne solution should be needed.

5. If there are no food allergies, or eliminating foods did not work, it is time to see a dermatologist. The doctor may prescribe Accutane, which is also expensive. It is taken orally, and may cause side effects, but it has been proven to be quite beneficial in the treatment of acne.

6. If Accutane does not work, talk to your dermatologist about trying Retin-a. Retin-a is used to treat acne, acne scars, wrinkles, skin discolorations, and other scars and skin problems. It is very effective as an acne solution.

The key is to make sure that you give the acne treatments time to work. Give each step at least one month, and possibly more. Some acne treatments will actually make the acne appear to be worse before it starts clearing up. This is perfectly normal, and in most cases, even to be expected.

Don’t waste money on cheap acne treatments that don’t work. If it worked – it wouldn’t be cheap. The cheapest acne solution that has been proven to work is essential oils. Everything that really works after that is expensive, but well worth the price.

Acne Skin Treatments

Before you visit a dermatologist, there is much that you can do for your acne skin. Of course, remember that what works for someone else may not always work for you. Everyone’s skin is different in the first place and the cause of acne may not also be the same.

You can always start off by using over the counter medications to treat your acne. If your skin is sensitive or prone to drying, use a mild cleanser or soap. You may have to experiment with different cleansers in order to find one that does not irritate or exacerbate your acne.

Wash your face once or twice daily but do not scrub or rub excessively. Avoid touching your face as your hands may have a lot of bacteria. Also if you find that a certain food may be contributing to your acne, stop consuming the food and see what happens.

When using make-up, read the labels and purchase products labeled non-acnegenic, non-comedogenic, and hypoallergenic. These products are formulated so as not to irritate even the most sensitive skin. Avoid sharing make-up with others, and always use clean washcloths, towels, and make-up sponges or other instruments to avoid transferring germs to your face.

If you’re interested in creating acne skin treatment from kitchen ingredients, you are not alone. Many recipes have been in use for many years. Again, everyone reacts differently to the same treatment, but these home remedies are useful for those who are suffering from mild acne. The following are three recipes that you can easily follow.

Baking soda scrub: Making a baking soda scrub is easy to use, and many have reported successful results from its use. This scrub is designed to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation is key in treating acne; since it focuses on removing dead skin cells that can get trapped in your pores and then manifest themselves as acne. First, mix a small amount of baking soda (a teaspoon will probably be enough) with water to create a consistent paste. Very gently, massage the baking soda scrub onto your skin. Leave it on for approximately one minute, then rinse clean with lukewarm review. Use a clean towel to pat your face dry.

Another popular home treatment uses apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has long been lauded for its health benefits, including acne. Some claim that apple cider vinegar has the ability to rid your skin of bacteria, balance your skin’s pH level, and keep your face fresh and free of excessive oil. Apple cider vinegar is also high in citric acid, which is a strong exfoliating ingredient that can help remove excess dead skin cells and improve your skin’s overall texture and tone. To use, simply dilute the apple cider vinegar, one part vinegar to eight parts water. If possible, use high quality apple cider vinegar and purified water. To use, wet a cotton ball with your apple cider vinegar mix and gently moisten your skin. Don’t overdo it. Apple cider vinegar is strong stuff that can dry out your skin, resulting in even more breakouts.

Egg whites, rich in protein and vitamins, have also been a favorite healing ingredient. Egg whites have long been used to help tone and tighten skin. Simply beat two egg whites together to a consistent froth. Apply the mixture to your face and let sit for about fifteen minutes. Rinse the egg off with lukewarm water.

Of course, it is always best to treat your acne while it is still mild. Still, if your efforts to clear up your skin using over the counter medications do not seem to work and your acne is getting out of control, make an appointment to visit a dermatologist. Your dermatologist is likely to prescribe you with anti-acne oral or topical agents.

Acne Skin Treatment – 5 Crucial Tips

Acne is a frustrating problems at all ages, affecting a large number of individuals. People with acne should take special care for their skin. In many situations, a gentle acne skin treatment is enough to get rid of this annoying problem. A proper everyday care when your acne is still light or moderate can give you the healthy skin you want and prevent severe acne from developing. All you have to do is follow a few guidelines in your daily skin care process.

Gently Wash Skin

Washing your skin is the most important part of an acne skin treatment. Wash your skin twice a day with a mild cleanser, once in the morning and once in the evening. You should also wash your skin after heavy exercise, when you’ve been sweating a lot. Some people try to cure their acne and reduce oil production using aggressive detergent soaps and scrub pads. However, instead of improving the situation, scrubbing your skin will only make things worse.

You can ask a dermatologist for advice on the type of cleanser your should use. Thoroughly rinse your skin after you wash it. Astringents are only recommended if your skin is very oily, and only on oil spots. Doctors also advise patients to shampoo their hair on a regular basis. People with oily hair should shampoo it daily.

Acne and Shaving

Guys who have or have had acne in the past should shave carefully. Test both electric and safety razors to decide which is more comfortable for you. If you decide on a safety razor, always use a sharp blade. Soften your beard with soap and water before applying the shaving cream. You can avoid nicking blemishes by shaving lightly and not more often than necessary.

Avoid Handling Your Skin Frequently

Avoiding aggressive behavior upon your skin is also an important part of the acne skin treatment. If you try to squeeze or pop your pimples, you risk forming unsightly scars. You should even avoid touching or rubbing your acne lesions. Do not try to pop your pimples either, because you might get scars or spread acne.

Avoid Excessive Exposure to Sunlight

Some of the medications that are used to treat acne can make you more likely to sunburn. Even though a red or tanned skin may make lesions less visible, these are only temporary improvements. Long-term effects are generally negative. Excessive sun exposure involves many risks, such as faster skin aging and developing skin cancer.


The makeup you choose to use is also a part of the overall acne skin treatment. While you are being treated for acne, you might need to change some of the makeup products you are using. Use only oil-free cosmetics. Read the label if you are not sure. During the first couple of treatments, it might be difficult to apply foundation.

You should also avoid oily hair products, that may cause closed comedones on the forehead. Use only cosmetics that are labeled as non-comedogenic. Even those can cause acne in some people, so you should be very careful.