Acne Treatment: Options For A Solution For Young Women

There are many options for acne treatment. If you are like most, you have tried many and have not found the right solution to your needs. This is common for individuals simply because they do not know what they should be doing. Will the over the counter products work on your acne? Will you need to have a laser treatment in order to make it finally go away? The problem with acne treatment is that what works for one individual will not work for someone else.

What Do I Do?

The first thing that anyone that has acne needs to do is to have a good face cleansing regimen. Acne skin care is vital to getting rid of the acne in the first place. For this, you will need a good quality facial cleanser at the very least. Consider where acne comes from and you will understand this idea. Acne is caused by bacteria that get into the warm, wet pores in your face. They multiply there and the body reacts. The actual acne is an infection on the skin. So, proper acne skin care can help simply by removing the bacteria from your face.

But, that is likely to not be enough. Often, you will need to use an acne medication or an acne treatment. These can be purchased over the counter to be used. The fact is that something that works for you may or may not work for someone else. The acne treatment can be hit and miss then. Another option that you have that has shown great progress is that of using natural acne treatments. These too can be found throughout the web.

Acne skin care is essential to your health. What is the best acne treatment? That will depend on your specific need and your body’s chemistry. You’ll find that there are acne medications that do work and they work very well. Take care of acne now can help you to avoid needing acne scar removal later.

Acne Treatment

Acne is a skin condition which is characterized by pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. It is the most common of all skin disorders and is most often found on the face, neck, back, and chest. Almost everyone will develop acne, to some degree. Most people will get mild cases, some moderate, and a few people will get severe cases. Teens are not the only ones to get it. It generally affects those between the ages of 12 and 44.

Acne often starts at the onset of puberty, when the body increases its production of androgens, which are the male sex hormones. These hormones stimulate of sebum which is an oily skin lubricant. It this sebum is secreted faster than it can pass through the skin pores, a blemish develops. Most people get acne on their face, back, or chest, but it can also appear on other parts of the body, including the arms and thighs.

Factors that may contribute to acne include diet, hormonal imbalance, heredity, oily skin, menstrual cycles, stress, allergies, and the use of certain kinds of drugs. Along with the obvious physical symptoms of acne, there can be an emotional impact as well. One can experience embarrassment and anxiety about their appearance. This may lead to social withdrawal, depression, and mood changes.

In acne treatment, there is a difference between skin care and acne cure. Using astringent lotions, pads that remove oil, and medicated bar soaps can help keep the skin clean, but will probably not prevent you from having further acne problems. Prescription medications and lotions may help, but will most likely not cure you of acne. To actually cure acne, one needs to get to the core of the acne problem, not just mask its symptoms.

The largest organ of the body is the skin. One function is to help eliminate toxins from the body by sweating. When the liver and kidneys are unable to fully discharge body toxins, the skin then begins to help out. As toxins are released from the body via the skin, acne may be triggered. It is important to keep the skin’s pores clean and open, but acne may still result.

Curing your acne by natural treatment involves cleansing the skin from the inside. Balancing the natural testosterone and estrogen found in the male and female body gets to the source of the problem. When there is excess estrogen and excess testosterone, as is common in the teenage years, acne may result. Therefore, achieving hormonal balance will cure acne naturally, and have a longer-lasting effect. External acne treatments normally mask the symptoms and are more short term.

Following a natural acne treatment plan that involves balancing your hormones allows your body to heal itself from the inside and is more effective in the long run.

Acne Talk For Teenagers

Acne is painful – on the inside. We live in a culture where not just youth, but beauty is worshipped. It’s everywhere and you can’t escape it. The results of having acne can be emotionally devastating for teenagers as they are extremely conscious of their appearance and their image. Even though they feel they suffer alone, they don’t. The fact is that approximately 85% of the population in the United States has at some point suffered with acne, and approximately 17 million people have acne. You are far from alone.

Acne in teenagers is caused by the action of hormones on the skin’s oil glands. During puberty both boys and girls have an increase in the hormones called androgens. These hormones cause sebaceous glands under the surface of the skin to enlarge. The sebaceous glands in response produce excess oil. This excess oil mixes with bacteria and dead skin on the skin’s surface and blocks pores. Inside these pores the bacteria multiple and cause inflammation.

Acne is usually genetic, so you may not be able to avoid it. However there are things you should know, an things you can do to help you deal with it.

There are many myths surrounding acne. The most well known one is that chocolate and greasy foods cause breakouts. Over the years dermatologists have discovered there is no evidence of this claim. However, if you find you do break out more after eating certain foods, avoid them. Although it may not have an affect on your acne, eating a healthy diet complete with fruits and vegetables is a good idea. Another myth is that acne is caused by poor hygiene. This is not true at all. As mentioned above acne is caused by overproduction of oil, period. Myth three advises you to scrub your face several times a day. Actually, over washing your skin can cause it to become more inflamed. Also, if you use drying products to excess on you skin your skin may rebel by producing more oil.

Whatever one of the literally hundreds of treatments you decide to choose remember that acne takes time to disappear. Overnight or miraculous results don’t happen. It takes six to eight weeks to see results from treatment. Once acne has cleared continued treatment will needed to prevent it from recurring.

If an acne treatment takes more than six to eight weeks to show a significant difference it probably won’t work. Try something else.

You really should see the advice of a dermatologist. With the number of products on the market, how do you choose? What might clear one person’s acne might not clear anothers. Your skin type and lesion types must be taken into consideration. Before you spend a bundle of money on an unknown treatment see a dermatologist. He or she can plan an individualized program based on your skin’s needs.