Stretching Your Way To Health And Fitness

Yoga is an ancient Indian form of exercise that helps improve health and fitness. It is also traditionally viewed as a set of spiritual or philosophical exercises that leads a person to greater self-awareness and internal peace. In India and in many parts of Asia, yoga is used as a means to attain spiritual enlightenment. The word yoga in original Sanskrit language means to control, to join, or to unite. There are different types or schools of yoga such as Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action), Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion), and Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge), and Hatha Yoga. Each school of yoga emphasizes a different aspect of the ancient art.

As a means of meditation, yoga can help an individual increase concentration and heighten the functions of the senses through various body postures and breathing techniques. The various body postures called “asanas” stretch the limbs and the torso. The stretching helps relax the muscles and increase dexterity. These movements are accompanied by deep, controlled breathing called “pranayana.” The term pranayama comes from the root word “prana” which means breath or “life force.”

As a spiritual discipline, yoga prescribes certain beliefs, thoughts, and behavior that should be practiced everyday. Another form of yoga called Raja Yoga prescribes eight major philosophical thoughts and practices, namely:

1. Yama – Abstention from lying, stealing, violence, illicit sex, and materialism.
2. Niyama – Observance of contentment, purity, austerity, study, and surrender to God.
3. Asana – Regular practice of meditative postures.
4. Pranayama – Controlled breathing as a means to generate internal energy.
5. Pratyahara – Exercise and “reversal” of the internal body organs.
6. Dharana – Practice of concentration by focusing on a single object.
7. Dhyana – Practice of meditation.
8. Samadhi – The “merging” of one’s consciousness with the object of meditation.

However, in the West, yoga is very popular as a means to reduce stress and anxiety and depression. Practitioners of the art claim that yoga practice helps alleviate lower back pain, migraine headaches, symptoms of arthritis and other ailments. Certain movements and poses also help relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis and other allergies.

As a form of stress management, many find yoga to be very effective and easy to learn. The breathing patterns allow a person to regain a sense of relaxation while flexing and sweating out the body’s toxins. In using yoga to manage stress, a new practitioner must be careful not to overstretch or strain the body. The key to yoga is to do slow, smooth movements in close coordination with breathing. Of course, there are different levels of yoga practice. Since the advanced postures require full dexterity, beginners are only supposed to follow or learn the basic movements.

Some of the celebrities who practice yoga include Madonna, Ricky Martin, Meg Ryan, and Sting. These celebrities were able to maintain a high level of fitness while sculpting their bodies in “Hollywood” form.

In a world that is so full of pressure, fast-paced work, and other factors that adversely affect physical, mental, and emotional well-being, the practice of yoga should be considered as a simple, inexpensive form of physical training and therapy.

Stretching your way to Health

Yoga , an ancient Indian method of exercise and meditation, is now one of the most popular health enhancement activities practiced by people in different parts of the world. This exercise has a strong appeal among women since the movements and poses focus on flexibility, grace, slow breathing, and relaxation. Due to its enormous popularity, literally thousands of journals, books, magazines, CDs, and other publications that varies on the theme, “woman’s book on yoga and health” have been produced over the last few years. From Yoga 101 to Yoga Journals for the 21st Century, health enthusiasts and fitness buffs can’t seem to get enough of this unique art form for body motion.

Basically, Yoga involves several concepts, including progressive learning and practice of postures, breathing, concentration, meditation, absorption, restraints, withdrawal of the use of senses. The mastery of these concepts will supposedly lead a Yoga practitioner to so-called spiritual liberation or enlightenment.

There are actually different forms of yoga, from the hard routines to the more mystical styles of Indian exercise. If one is really interested to practice the exercise, there are now many gyms and fitness clubs that offer yoga exercises for beginners.

It is said that by practicing the various postures and movements of Yoga, a person is able to engage in a process of body purification. As a positive result, a yoga practitioner is abe to gradually develop strength and stamina needed for to achieve optimum health. Any volume on a woman’s book on yoga and health would include tips on improving flexibility, what food to eat, and other suggestions for daily practice. Yoga is not only a form of exercise. It is also part of Indian philosophy.

A woman’s book on yoga and health would also commonly provide information on other regimen, therapy techniques, and even natural remedies for common illnesses. It is said that yoga can be used to relieve tension, headaches, colds and flu symptoms, allergies, and anxiety. The woman’s book on yoga and health can be very helpful if you are a woman who seeks to regain confidence and clarity of mind after a traumatic experience or a distressful situation. Some books on yoga even focus on the health benefits of the exercise on pregnant women. Proper breathing exercises also help in the preparation for labor and in controlling pain and post-partum symptoms.

To get a yoga book of good quality, make sure to check if it contains a definition and history of yoga. Any woman’s book on yoga and health must also highlight the benefits, potential risks, and requirements to attain the expected results out of the exercise.

Stretching for Health

Lack of flexibility is now seen to be a major cause of general health problems and sports injury and is being linked to everything from stress. back pain, and even osteoarthritis. It also means that nagging injuries, especially around your joints take longer to heal.

Latest studies show that up to 60 percent of the general population with bad backs and knees have tight hamstrings and hips and the main cause is a lack of flexibility.

Active-Isolated Stretching (AI)

Olympians have been employing Active-Isolated Stretching (AI) now for about 10 years, but it has only recently been brought to the public’s attention.

I have used this technique on my clients for quite a while now with great success, while adding renewed life and spring to tired out muscles. AI stretching prevents injury, as conventional stretching can cause real harm such as muscle pulls and tears.

AI stretching does what stretching is supposed to do; it transports oxygen to sore muscles and quickly removes toxins so recovery is faster. It also works as a deep massage technique because it activates muscle fibres during the actual stretch.

How to Stretch

Before stretching, dress in loose clothing and try and acquire a five-foot length of rope and tie a loop in the end. The purpose of this is to loop the end of rope around the exercising appendage to squeeze the last couple of inches of stretch from the exercise.

Find a comfortable place to stretch either on your bed, a carpeted floor or on a mat.
Isolate the muscle or group you want to stretch then contract the muscle opposite. This causes the isolated muscle or group to relax straight away and when it does it is ready to stretch.
Gently and quickly stretch the isolated muscle until it can’t be stretched any further; now give yourself a gentle pull with your hands or rope. Go as far as you can and then hold the stretch for no more than 2 seconds then release, do this for a total of 5 repetitions on the isolated muscle or group.

The reason for just a 2-second stretch is because when a muscle realizes that it is being forced into a stretch it contracts to protect itself from being overstretched.
If you can beat this contraction you’ll be well on the way to a greater Range of Motion.

Remember to hold for no more than 2 seconds, release, return to the normal position and repeat for the five repetitions. Try not to have any hesitations between stretches and make it as fluid as possible. Try to stretch every day if possible, remember to:
 Work one target muscle at a time.
 Contract the muscle that is opposite the targeted muscle, which will relax in preparation of its stretch.
 Stretch it gently and quickly.
 Release it before it realizes that it has been stretched and goes into its protective contraction.

Below are two exercises that can be done straight away even while you are at work to stretch that tension and stress from of your body.

1. Lie down on the floor with your buttocks against a wall and your legs straight up the wall. Slowly flex your toes towards your knees, hold for two seconds and repeat five times. This will loosen up your lower back and stretch your hamstrings and hips giving instant relief for tired backs.

This exercise can be done while at the office anytime you start to feel that stress and tension building up.

2. Sitting in a chair and putting one leg out straight, flex your toes towards your knee, now lean towards that foot, stretching your hands towards it and letting your head and shoulders follow, hold for two seconds and repeat five times. This will create a stretch right across your lower back and neck.

A flexible body is:

 More efficient

 More easily trained for strength and endurance

 Enjoys more range of motion

 Stays balanced more easily and is less prone to injury

 Recovers from workouts more quickly, and feels better.